This is the place where we are have documented the road we have walked in order to adopt our four children from Brazil and the road we are now on as a family. We are keenly aware that adopting is not just a process we've chosen to go through, but part of God's plan for us and for our children. May He be glorified through the process and through our family!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Document List

We are officially gathering documents to build a new dossier.  I'd originally thought it would be super-easy since, well, we've done this before and we already have many of the documents on the list.  Turns out it will require a little more legwork than I originally thought.  Here's the official list of documents we're hoping to gather before the end of the month.
  1. Statement letter regarding Brazilian Adoption (a template to fill out)
  2. Birth Certificates (we must order new ones from AL and NJ)
  3. Marriage Certificate (we must order a new one from PA)
  4. General Physical Examination Form (our doctor is an adoptive dad and has agreed to meet with us, do some new blood work, and complete the form based on last year's physical)
  5. Proof of medical insurance (may be a challenge getting the insurance company to notarize a letter for us)
  6. Document stating that family knows adoption is free of charge in Brazil (another template)
  7. Proof of residence (a notarized letter on City Hall letterhead, the people at the assessor's office yesterday were not interested in notarization or letterhead.  I've contacted our alderman)
  8. Financial information (a form to fill out with all our assets and liabilities) 
  9. Proof of income (letters from our employers)
  10. Home study (being updated as we speak)
  11. Police department record (requires a drive to Middletown to get fingerprinted)
  12. USCIS approval (we request approval by completing the I-800A form and submitting it with a copy of our homestudy)
  13. Psychological exam (the psychologist that did our psychological evaluation for El Salvador is updating the report for us)
  14. Agency post-adoption agreement (a form signed by Catholic Charities and AWAA)
  15. Photocopies of passports (no problem)
  16. Photo pages (photos of the outside of our house, all its rooms, portraits of us and photos of family life)
Sixteen.  Not so bad.  A small price to pay for all the joy that is to come.