This is the place where we are have documented the road we have walked in order to adopt our four children from Brazil and the road we are now on as a family. We are keenly aware that adopting is not just a process we've chosen to go through, but part of God's plan for us and for our children. May He be glorified through the process and through our family!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

On Our Way

All our bags are packed, we're ready to go, we're standing here outside the door, we hate to wake you up to say goodbye...

We're leaving on a jet plane, see you when we get back again!

Dear friends, thank you for your many, many prayers over this long journey.  Tomorrow morning early we depart for Brazil!  It's hard to believe it's really here, and we cherish each and every one of you and thank you for your support and love.
Love, James & Kim

Dear Maynara, Abraão Lucas, Luana & Brayan, our lovelies, we'll see you Wednesday!  We can't wait to scoop you up in our arms!
Love, Mãe & Pai