This is the place where we are have documented the road we have walked in order to adopt our four children from Brazil and the road we are now on as a family. We are keenly aware that adopting is not just a process we've chosen to go through, but part of God's plan for us and for our children. May He be glorified through the process and through our family!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Crazy Love

Mary Jane Dunn recommended this book to me.  I devoured it in two days and am ready to change the world.  It has really opened my eyes to a new way of looking at God and His Word.  Here's why:

1.  God is Big.  Really, really big and powerful too.
2.  God gave EXTRAVAGANTLY to give us (and we're really small) a chance to be in a love relationship with Him.
3.  Our response to the extravagant love of God should be extravagant love and service toward others--for Him.
4.  That might be uncomfortable sometimes, but it's always better to love big than to love small or not at all.

1 comment:

sarah t said...

Kim - We *love* this book. My husband is reading it with his youth right now. You're right about being eye opening and ready to change the world. If you get a moment, look up Frances Chan on Youtube. His sermons are powerful.
